Financial Solutions 

Navigate IT upgrades seamlessly with our financing options tailored to your needs

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What you need, As You Need It ​

Evernex offers flexible financial solutions to match your unique IT needs. Our buyback program provides competitive compensation for retired equipment, and our leasing options allow you to upgrade your IT infrastructure without upfront costs. 

The Evernex ITAD Approach​


Our competitive buyback program provides fair compensation for your retired IT equipment, reducing the upfront costs associated with upgrades. 


We offer flexible leasing options, allowing you to upgrade your IT infrastructure without significant upfront expenses and spreading payments over time.

Customizable Leasing Programs

We tailor our leasing solutions to your specific IT needs and budget, ensuring a cost-effective and sustainable approach to IT asset management.


Our financial solutions provide flexibility and adaptability to suit your evolving IT requirements and business objectives.
We take care of the rest.

All major brands supported​

Our multi-vendor expertise extends to all leading manufacturers. We sell, rent and support industry-leading equipment from a wide array of brands.

Partner with Evernex and experience uninterrupted performance ​

Buy-back Program

Third-Party Maintenance

IT Asset Disposition

Get in touch with your experts today!

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