
Integrating environmental responsibility into every operation, making a positive impact on the planet

Leaders in Green IT 

Evernex is committed to a sustainable IT industry, reducing our environmental impact while maximizing resource utilization. Our ITAD and refurbishment processes minimize e-waste, and our recycled components power the circular economy. 

Minimized E-Waste

Our ITAD and refurbishment processes divert substantial amounts of IT equipment from landfills each year, minimizing the environmental burden of e-waste.

Circular economy champion

We are pioneers in the circular economy, repurposing discarded IT components and giving them a second life, reducing the need for raw materials and resource consumption.

Partnerships for impact

We actively collaborate with organizations dedicated to sustainability and circular economy principles, fostering collective action and accelerating positive change.

Environmental leadership

We are committed to reducing our own environmental footprint and implementing eco-friendly practices throughout our operations.

We take a circular approach to IT​

Our services don’t just benefit your IT infrastructure but also the environment.

From refurbishing parts to extend the life of your existing assets, to our recycling program, with Evernex eShop you can achieve your sustainability goals while also ensuring the longevity and performance of your critical IT systems

A major player in sustainable IT​

tons of IT equipment recycled by Evernex every year
0 +
tons of Co2 avoided
tons of ore not extracted
Get in touch

Contact us today to discuss your specific needs and find out how we can help you achieve your goals.

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